Wednesday, March 11, 2009

01 year 15 weeks into study

I am still maintaining my studies at close to the same intensity as the last update. I have made one minor change to my procedure, on account of the fact that I will be out of the country for a week. I didn't feel it prudent to bring my entire stack of review terms to Spain with me. I plan to leave them home. So therefore, I am going back to the 10 new characters per day for 10 days and doing no review of the stack. This means that my learning stack will grow, and then contract again at roughly the time I return from Spain. Then I return to reviewing the stack of acquired terms.

I am really happy with the progress I have been making with the speaking part of Chinese learning, it is much better than what I was experiencing in early weeks of the studies. Here is a recent photograph of my acquired term stack:

This photograph does not show it very well, but the top of the stack is now higher than the wood paneling in the back. I have hit a good stride at this point. The only thing that I find difficulty with, is finding motivation to listen to the podcasts for one hour each day. Well, I'm not sure if I will be able to post this coming week, but if not, then I will do so next week.

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